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Plush Wellness
“Plush Wellness in Essex, Yoga lowers anxiety & stress - various Classes available from home visits, remote classes or at our home studio.”
What should I bring with me?
We ask that you bring a bottle of water, a jumper (in the cooler weather), a cushion or yoga posture cushion (if you have one), sanitiser (although we have sanitiser at the door to use as you enter and for any time throughout the class).
What if I have an injury?
At the beginning of each class the teacher will ask if anyone is suffering with any aches, pains or small injuries. This enables the teacher to adapt or give alternative instructions to the individual in order to help prevent any further discomfort to that person. Thus allowing the individual to gain as much from the session as they possibly can. If you do not feel happy to express this detail whilst in front of other people, then please do not hesitate to discuss with the teacher before the session begins in privacy.
Is the studio and equipment clean?
The studio and equipment are cleaned to a high standard before and after every session. This is done daily. Windows are open all of the time and, the door will be opened half an hour prior to sessions commencing, in order to allow ventilation (the door will be closed at the start of the session due to the nature of the class).
What happens if I am late?
Due to the nature of the classes, a quiet, relaxed and tranquil atmosphere is paramount and should therefore be undisturbed. Whilst up to 5 minutes late is accepted in most circumstances, unfortunately anything longer will impact greatly on others in the class and their practise, therefore refusal of entry is likely. If you know you will be late (up to 5 minutes) then it would be very much appreciated if you could contact the teacher to make them aware of this. If you are late (5 minutes or over) unfortunately no refunds for the session will be given.
What happens if I need to cancel?
We do understand and appreciate that some circumstances can prevent us from being able to get to classes, therefore staying in contact with your teacher and keeping them informed is advised.
More detailed information is available on the FAQ page of our website.