SBG Bury Jiu Jitsu & Mixed Martial Arts

Our Coaches are accomplished athletes who make training fun and engaging. Nobody will be more invested in your growth and improvement than an SBG coach. They are the best in the industry in both teaching, coaching, and making the journey valuable and enjoyable. Years of experience empowers our expert coaches to teach you and/or your child important & priceless life skills such as respect, discipline, confidence, self-defence, goal setting & leadership to help you achieve your goals!
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Sentiment Analysis
I've had a couple of sessions so far and have to say there's very few black belts if any in the North West who have such an analytical approach to Jiu-jitsu and whom understand the invisible yet very crucial aspects of the sport.
Glyn and the coaches really are top tier in their understanding of the game and are so helpful in transferring their knowledge to all levels of individuals.
There are sessions available at a variety of times (mornings, afternoons, evenings) meaning it fits all kinds of schedules.
Head coach Glyn has been training for 15+ years and is a 3rd degree black belt and places lots of emphasis on staying calm whilst focusing on your breathing.
The classes are structured in a way that not only allows you to learn HOW to perform a technique, but also WHY it is done that way, which has massively helped me understand the fundamentals of Jiu Jitsu.
They also try and give you a deeper understanding of the particular position or move that you're learning rather than just teaching a sequence of movements that look good for your Instagram stories but would be difficult to implement if the conditions were slightly altered.
Glyn and the other coaches provide explanations in a clear and concise way which I’ve found particularly useful as a beginner.
I started just under 2 months ago as a complete beginner and have loved it everyone is very friendly and knowledgeable in the sport.
Head professor, Glyn is extremely knowledgeable, cerebral and passionate, and this translates to very interesting teaching, and BJJ.
I started training here about a month ago, everyone is very welcoming.
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