The Dancehouse is a leading provider of Acting Coaching Services with a reputation for quality and integrity throughout Manchester and the surrounding areas. A high percentage of The Dancehouse business is from happy repeat customers and referrals. Acting Training classes are designed for all interest and experience levels. We offer a wide variety of classes at affordable rates to ensure that students of all ages and skill levels are welcome! Please call us to arrange a studio visit: 01612 379753.
We’ve sourced these Highlights directly from the business, so there may be some errors or omissions. Let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions on how to make this information better!
Rates, surcharges and fees are advertised on Ictheatre.ac.uk
Sentiment Analysis
A fabulous student performance of The Adams Family, a musical.
Great intimate theatre.
Just spent 2 hours with my knees under my chin or bloke infronts shoulder, never seen a rheatre with such little leg room.
Watched New Dawn Fades in this theatre really enjoyed it 😀 …
Pocoyo fun!
Super cozy and a nice atmosphere!
Get to the Dancehouse to see Goldilocks and the three bears.
Awesome intimate venue well maintained for the age of the building and lots of character.
The seats are not very big and you don't have alot of room either side to move around.
Annual panto great fun at reasonable prices.
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