Best Fencing Classes in London

The highest-rated Fencing Training companies out of 44 vetted & reviewed in the London area.

We are still growing

There are too few quality options within 12.5 miles radius, so we have expanded area of coverage to up to 200 miles from you. This includes London and several other cities.
London Longsword Academy

London Longsword Academy

“Awesome place to learn fencing! You need: to be open, respectful and willing to learn and be humble. Also top tip: look at the website to see the classes and location. This is one of several halls where classes take place at fixed times. The societ...”
Emergency Services
In Business Since 2010
Old St, London EC1V 9LP

Fencing Training Services in London Cost Estimates

Minimum cost
Maximum cost
National Average
Avg Per Hour Rates
Average price range is based on 330 cost profiles
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Average Cost £314
Minimum cost £152
Maximum cost £879
Avg Per Hour Rates £87

Average range $252 to $503 is based on 330 cost profiles.

Why these companies made our list

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