Moreno Boxing Dalston
Moreno Boxing Dalston is reputed for delivering excellence in quality and trustworthy service to the London area. Moreno Boxing Dalston caring staff takes pride in working to develop each students personal potential and continues to expand their knowledge in order to stay current. Friendly team and trainers at Moreno Boxing Dalston welcome all knowledge levels without being too easy or too hard on you! We are committed to offering exceptional service at a competitive price, making Moreno Boxing Dalston the preferred option for budget-conscious customers. Please call our gym for more immediate assistance and current availability.
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Sentiment Analysis
Good intense training it’s a level up for sure 👌 …
Also the coaches and very friendly and encouraging, constantly providing individuals with short one-to-ones in group sessions to help out.
I’ve learned a lot in his classes as he takes time to go through each boxing drill at a pace that’s comfortable with everyone.
He’s super friendly, a great teacher and very observant, which helps when you have poor technique cause he’s always quick to chuck in some advice.
Great teachers all with a different style, very complimentary.
Great quality in training and good vibes!
Great gym, really welcoming and overall amazing experience
Overalls you instantly feel you are in good hands at Moreno Boxing and my week here definately will advance my Skills in the long run.
Most importantly (for me), the atmosphere is a good balance of inclusive and competitive, allowing all levels to push their limits without compromising safety
Great fitness and technique classes - one of my favourite places in London
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