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Diamond Press Pilates Studio
“Diamond Press Pilates is an excellent choice, Ive been with Lois now for almost 5 yrs and I feel really fortunate to have found such a dedicated tutor that is not just a Body Control trained instructor but the addition osteopathy she's training in i...”
Is it too late to start?
Never! It's never too late. Go slowly and you'll be amazed how much your muscles will respond. Check with your doctor before starting, just to be on the safe side. I love to work with elderly clients as well as younger ones, because both are able to make such rapid progress and this can make a big difference to so many lives.
I'm really struggling with the breathing concept how can I overcome this?
Don't worry about this too much especially at the very early stages of learning Pilates. Yes it is important to get the basics right but it can take at least 6 to 12 weeks to master and understand the principles behind some of these beginner exercises; especially the breathing patterns which work alongside the exercises. In my experience most people who start Pilates struggle to learn the breathing patterns and then give up. The main thing to remember is to start mapping the exercise moves and if you are really struggling with the breathing, bring this element in later. Don't panic! Half-way through the first term you are offered a discounted one-to-one private lesson to cover anything you may find challenging. Once the breathing element is no longer a problem, you will find yourself able to progress confidently towards Intermediate level.
Can men do Pilates, or is it mostly for women?
Pilates programmes are individually designed to take into consideration the client's interests and lifestyle, and they are equally effective for men and women. Pilates can promote better technique in a chosen sport, whether it's tennis, golf or running. It's true more women do Pilates to men however, Pilates can help to keep your muscles in balance. Pilates is invaluable for men of retirement age who haven't exercised in decades and want to get in shape safely, without risking injury. Come on guys don't be shy!
Do you have any tips to stop me getting stiff shoulders after a day at the office?
Make sure your chair is close enough to your desk to keep your lower arms at right angles to your torso and that your computer screen is positioned at eye level. Your knees should be bent at right angles and feet flat on the floor. Don't cross your legs! If you have to lean forwards, lean from the hips, not from the upper back and shoulders, don't spend more than 30 minutes in this position. Take frequent breaks to do some simple Pilates exercises. Place a tennis ball between your upper body and the back of your chair. This will keep your shoulders and back upright. As you start to slouch at your desk you will loose contact with the ball (maybe the ball will fall out) in which case you know your posture has become compromised. Sit back up and use the ball to do some simple shoulder exercises or massage.
What are the benefits of Pilates?
Develops muscular control Enhances athletic performance Flattens, tones and strengthens abdominal muscles Heightens concentration Improves functional fitness for everyday life Improves posture Increases circulation Increases flexibility Promotes relaxation Reduces back pain & the risk of injury Relieves tension
You can find more answers to some of our most commonly asked questions on the FAQ page of our website.